Homeless Mission

Los Angeles

Skid Row


What is Skid Row

Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles is the capitol of homelessness in the United States with a stable population of anywhere from 8,000 to 11,000 people on any given day. It is a 54 block area lined with tents, tarps and makeshift shelters where people live. Surrounding these shelters are heaps of all kinds of garbage containing even feces and syringes. It is shocking to see and is comparable to the streets of the poorest 3rd world countries. Individuals roam about the streets in a somewhat zombie state paying no mind to traffic laws, and many are inundated by drugs and alcohol. We’ve seen people so drugged out that they cannot even move but are in a revealing state. Many are deemed mentally ill. It is a dire and serious situation. There are several ministries that go down to minister on a regular basis ministering mostly to physical need. However, this depth of crisis is not only a physical situation. Merely handing out food, clothes or some scripture is not working. There are dark spiritual forces at work that need to be dealt with. The Bible calls them powers and principalities; which are demons that rule entire regions or people groups.


Homeless Man is Set Free

Homelessness is not only about people not having housing. Most often, there are many other issues at play: addiction, prostitution, and psychological disorders to name a few. However, the greatest issue we see is that our friends are imprisoned by demonic strongholds.  These invisible strongholds have attacked their minds with constant thoughts of hopelessness, thoughts of giving up, thoughts of "No one cares for me", "I'm a failure", thoughts of "I must punish myself", thoughts of "Selling drugs is the only way". These thoughts are not natural. They are ingrained through years of living in environments of abuse, rejection and being constantly told whether by parents or through self-sabotage that a person is worthless. Cycles are often passed down from generation to generation.  Our aim is to set people free from these cycles.

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” Ephesians 6:12

Why Skid Row

Personally, the Lord began to speak to me about Skid Row in June of 2017. It had been nearly 20 years since I had gone down there to do ministry when I previously lived in California. He revealed to me that the situation on Skid Row particularly is not merely a homeless situation as people call it, but it is a HOPELESS situation. He began to show me that there were many prodigals living on Skid Row who had once known Him and been in the church. The Father then began to put an ache with in my own heart for his estranged sons and daughters who have been weighed down with hopelessness, depression, and drug addiction.

He then began to reveal to me his strategy for Skid Row from 2 Chronicles 20. King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah are surrounded by strong enemies, but a prophet said to them, “You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord…” 2 Chronicles 20:17 Then Jehoshaphat appointed those who should sing to the Lord, and who should praise the beauty of holiness. These worshipers went out before the army. “Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set up ambushes against their enemies…” 2 Chron 20:22

Currently, the people living on Skid Row are in a battle for their souls. There are strong enemies that have surrounded them, are controlling them, and are out to destroy them completely. These are spiritual forces of darkness that are unseen. The Lord wants to fight on their behalf but the region is ruled now by these demonic forces.


Why 24 Hour Prayer

By establishing a place of night and day prayer on Skid Row we are in essence positioning ourselves with singers, musicians, and intercessors to prepare the way for the Lord of Hosts (angel armies) to break in and move powerfully on the behalf of those living on Skid Row. A House of Prayer in the middle of Skid Row offering up night and day worship and prayer will dethrone the powers of darkness currently ruling that region and make way for the King of Glory to be enthroned upon our praises. Psalm 22:3 

Night and day prayer has been proven a strategic approach to combating darkness and transforming spiritually dark areas. When Jesus is exalted night and day the enemy has to flee. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 commands us to pray without ceasing. The House of Prayer model incorporates a unique system called Harp and Bowl based on the continual worship that is going on in heaven that we learn of in Revelation 5:8, simultaneous worship and prayer. This model makes prayer enjoyable and sustainable.

Skid Row House of Prayer Worship

Safe House Vision is in the Works

We are currently developing the vision for Safe Houses. The idea is to bring individuals that are ready to get off the streets and change their lives into a family type setting. These are homes in safe areas outside of the Skid Row region. We believe it's crucial to take them out of the environment of Skid Row and place them into a loving family, community environment of discipleship. There will be house moms for the women's homes and house dads for the men's homes. And in most cases house parents to run the homes. There will be house rules to abide by: such as curfew, family dinners, bible study, and prayer. Of course, we need those who will be brave enough to host individuals who may be coming off of drugs or are in need of deliverance. This is a very special call and is only for the fearless and those full of the power and love of God. We welcome your prayers for this vision! We also welcome your donations. We are currently investing in homes that we can rehab into Safe Houses.

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